2014 CPC Corporation, Taiwan - page 30

Diversified information services; multi-pronged operations and marketing
In the area of information services, CPC's current strategy is to continue integration of the company's information
systems, provide real-time management and decision-making information, integrate virtual and physical channels,
expand industry value chains, deploy customer relations management, expand the scope of high-quality services,
promote knowledge management and support the company's market competitiveness.
Following the installation of mainframe and peripheral equipment, establishment of a remote back-up communications
channel and deployment of open-system server facilities in 2005, and in coordination with the development of core
businesses, CPC corporate headquarters and the Refining Business Division integrated their server systems in April 2007
to allow mutual backup. The server system version upgrading project completed in 2010 has facilitated the deployment
of new server application systems by establishing data interchange standards. Responding to continued service growth
and the need to access application systems via the Internet, CPC carried out replacement of servers and disk drives
in 2013, with plans to complete implementation in 2015. In order to integrate hardware and software resources, CPC
uses a broadband network providing digital services at any place or time. Adoption of cloud computing technology
continued in 2013, along with the step-by-step virtualization of servers. Furthermore, in conjunction with the Executive
Yuan's Internet Protocol Upgrading Promotion Program, CPC completed its upgrade to Ipv6 in 2013 in accordance with
the prescribed timetable.
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