2014 CPC Corporation, Taiwan - page 29

Green energy R&D
Applied for domestic patents in 2013.
Completed four technology innovation and new product development cases; issued 38 domestic and foreign journal
and conference papers.
Acceptedeight commissions for technical service fromwithin the company andearnedapproximatelyNT$15.1million in revenue.
Successfully developed a solid alkaline catalyst transesterification process that can maintain a sustained biodiesel yield
rate of 96-99%. This process can be used with feedstocks having high acidity and high water content and can reduce
production costs; a patent application has been lodged.
Researchers have developed a hydrogen storage material consisting of a mixture of MgH
and Nb
; this material can
hold up to 4 wt% hydrogen. Research on the material's stability is currently under way.
Developed a microalgae carbon reduction and oil production laboratory culture platform and an outdoor
photobioreactor (PBR). The researchers used wall breaking, oil production and transesterification technology developed
in-house to determine the oil yield of the resulting microalgae; patent application procedures are currently in hand.
In conjunction with the Industrial Technology Research Institute, CPC researchers developed a real-time combustion
efficiency monitoring system employing the chemiluminescence method. This system was used to show that a
bio-emulsifier can enhance the combustion efficiency of fuel oil by 5-8%. Further research will test the effect of
transesterification of raw glycerol and water on combustion efficiency and it is expected that by lessening fuel oil
consumption by 5-8%, the method can save energy and reduce carbon emissions
A newly-developed environmentally-friendly no-solvent paint can reduce VOC emissions by 30%, meeting environmental
protection requirements.
A high-reflectivity paint developed using core shell nanoparticles and hollow ceramic powder can achieve a reflectivity
in the near infrared of 75%, and reduce surface temperature by 4-6°C. Researchers are continuing to improve the
formulation and hope to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions by reducing surface temperature by 8-10°C.
Researchers have developed a high-heat conductivity plastic for LEDs and high refractive index optical silicone packaging
material. The laboratory has obtained preliminary results, and is currently negotiating cooperative molding and testing
by LED lamp and packaging firms.
Research on microalgae genetic improvement technology has used the UV radiation mutation method to develop a
mutant microalgae strain able to increase oil yield by 20%. The researchers have performed culture testing in a 50 L
outdoor photobioreactor, and expect that the high oil yield can reduce microalgae biodiesel production costs by 50%.
It is hoped that this breakthrough will accelerate the commercialization of microalgae biodiesel. CPC plans to patent the
genetically-modified algae strain.
Using brick particles as a carrier for butyl alcohol-producing bacteria, researchers conducted continuous fermentation of
butyl alcohol and completed continuous butyl alcohol fermentation process testing involving bacteria fixed in a column
reactor. A patent application is planned.
An experimental ton-grade cellulosic alcohol fermentation plant has been constructed. Feed consisting of napier grass
fibers has been used in hydrolytic saccharification testing. Enzymes developed in-house will be used in the future to cut
costs and boost capacity; two patent applications have been made for the enzymes.
New material trial production technology development
Two commissioned technical service cases were undertaken for R&D units within the company; these two projects
respectively helped develop amorphous carbon development technology and conducted trial production of pure
dicyclopentadiene (DCPD).
R&D and Information Management
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