2014 CPC Corporation, Taiwan - page 26

Using the latest pollution prevention technology; concern for local ecological Issues
CPC stopped supplying leaded gasoline to the market in January 2000 to conform to the gasoline
quality standards of the developed world and thereby improve Taiwan's air quality. Further, the sulfur
content of its diesel was reduced from 375 ppmw to 50 ppmw in June 2004 and to 10 ppmw in July
2011. High-quality gasoline with a sulfur content of 50 ppmw came on to the market on January 1,
2007, and in 2012 the sulfur level was reduced to 20 ppmw. In 2007, the company introduced biodiesel
on July 27 and gasoline containing ethanol on September 29. CPC has supplied B1 biodiesel on a large
scale since September 15, 2008 and has supplied B2 biodiesel since June 15, 2010. In addition, vapor
recovery hoses have been installed at all CPC filling stations and storage tanks have been fitted with
vapor recovery systems, resulting in the recovery of more than 3,200 kiloliters of gasoline per year -
equivalent to a reduction in emissions of a similar amount of volatile organic compounds.
Through years of constant effort, the quality of Taiwan's petroleum products has been improved
until today it compares with that of Japan, the United States and other advanced countries. Not
content to rest its laurels, however, in the future CPC will use the up-to-date environmental
standards for petroleum products of advanced countries as the benchmark in the ongoing pursuit
of ever-better quality. For the good of its homeland and the health and prosperity of its people, CPC
will employ the latest in pollution prevention technology, consistently seek better performance in
environmental protection and pursue sustainable development.
We are also promoting environmental education and related activities, hoping to provide people
with ecological know-how. We help to spread awareness of the need to protect the environment and
cherish natural resources, and we call on everyone to care about local ecological issues, adopt parks,
wetlands and woodlands, help with environmental cleanup, and work to eliminate pollution of the sea.
If everyone takes action, we can pass on a clean environment to our children and grandchildren.
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