2014 CPC Corporation, Taiwan - page 10

Focusing on High Growth Areas; Initiating New
Strategies for Extraction
in 2013 CPC completed geological surveys of 48 square
kilometers and three-dimensional seismic surveys covering 156.8
square kilometers in western Taiwan, repaired one well and
drilled a new one. There are currently 41 producing oil and gas
wells in the Tiezhenshan, Qingcaohu, Jinshui, Chuhuangkeng,
and Guantian fields, yielding 500 million cubic meters of natural
gas and 10,000 kiloliters of condensate annually.
CPC has decided, after careful study, to suspend development of
the F Structure field offshore Kaohsiung – a decision approved
by the Executive Yuan on January 13, 2014 - because changes
in raw material prices indicate that the projected return on the
investment will fall short of expectations.
In the area of cross-strait cooperation on offshore exploration
CPC aims to dilute the exploration risk and acquire deep-water
exploration technology by cooperating with Canada's Husky
Energy on exploration of deep-water blocks in the Tainan Basin,
for which two-dimensional seismic survey data covering 3,300
square kilometers has been obtained. Further, three-dimensional
survey data has been acquired for 797 square kilometers in the
Tainan-Chaoshan Petroleum Contract area.
Looking to the future, CPC will seek to leverage its situation in
overseas exploration and production by optimising the value
of its existing overseas oil and gas assets and establishing core
areas with high rates of growth. To extend its reserves, it will be
an active bidder for open blocks, will search out opportunities to
take over fields from major oil companies and will pursue M&A
opportunities with new oil and gas fields.
US- Louisiana/Texas boundary
Operator: Medll
Operator: Yuma
Maresh (30%)
Operator: TT Energy
Big Horn (11.2%)
Shoats Creek (5%)
S.Bancroft (10%)
Danube (10%)
Yellowstone (10%)
NW Bearhead Creek (10%)
East Skinner Lake (10%)
Operator: EP Energy
Skinner Lake (6.32%)
Operator: Halcom
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